Pilot Information
Dry Creek Airport (TS07)
Located in Cypress, Texas ~25 miles northwest of downtown Houston, Texas
Coordinates: 29 59.17N; 95 41.14W
Magnetic Variation 4E
Current weather conditions at Dry Creek Airport
Data is provided by an automated amateur weather station. SRACA cannot be responsible for its accuracy
(Thanks go to Mike M. for maintaining the station)
Airport Rules
Hooks Flight Schools West Practice area outline and frequency
Runway 18 PAPI Information
Click here for a handy
two-page pdf-format pilot summary
Airport use:
Private, permission required prior to landing
CTAF: 122.9
Hours: Lighted, Not Attended
Pattern Altitude: 1152' MSL All Aircraft (1000' AGL)
Runways: 18-36 3,580 X 73' Groomed grass
Watch for golf carts, animals, people on runway
Powerlines on North end
Trees close to runway
Buildings and aircraft close to Runway